Shorter Demographic Information
Demographic Data on Shorter, AL, from City Melt.
Simply Hired - Shorter, AL
Among the most common occupations in Shorter are Sales and office occupations, 23%. Service occupations, 18%. and Management, professional, and related occupations, 17%. Approximately 69 percent of workers in Shorter, Alabama work for companies, 17 percent work for the government and 1 percent are self-employed.
Shorter General Information
Geographic, statistics, maps and other data on Shorter, AL, from City Data.
Shorter, AL Information
Geography and other information on Shorter, AL, from
Shorter, AL Post Office
Zip Code - 36075
Social Welfare Organizations - Shorter, AL
Social Welfare Organizations in and near Shorter, AL.
Power Outage Information
This site contains information from the National Electric Power Grid on power outages. It includes a brief explanation, when available with the locations and areas affected.
Shorter Housing & Real Estate
Housing and Real Estate for sale in Shorter, AL, from
Shorter Vacation Information
Vacation and lodging information for Shorter, AL, from Trip Advisor.
Shorter Voting Information
Election information, along with climate, education, economy of Shorter, AL, from Sperling's Best Places to Live.
Victoryland Casino Information
Victoryland Casino information from Casino City.
Victoryland is a gaming facility, located in Shorter, AL. The owner is Milton McGregor. M. McGregor information, news reports, operations and charity. Victoryland Gaming Information
Information on Gaming in Shorter, AL, from World Casinos.